Instrument Location Service

Heliospheric Trajectory

Starting date:

Ending date:      

Planet:       Mercury    Venus    Earth    Mars    Jupiter    Saturn    Uranus    Neptune

Spacecraft:      STEREO-A    STEREO-B    Messenger    MSL    Ulysses   
  Galileo    Cassini    New Horizons    Rosetta    Dawn   
  Voyager 1    Voyager 2   

                                                                                                                                          Show Recs.:     

ILS Node:

Orbiting a Planetary Body

Starting date:

Ending date:      

Select Planet:   

                                                                                                                                          Show Recs.:     

ILS Node:

Key Events

Starting date:

Ending date:      

                                                                                                                                          Show Recs.:     

Free SQL Query



Examples of SQL Queries to the ICS and ILS

ILS Node:

Instrument Location Service

The Instrument Location Service (ILS) contains details of the locations of selected objects in the Solar System.

The trajectories table contains the locations of all major planetary objects and of spacecraft that have travelled on a complex trajectory. The information is normally provided with a cadence of one value per day; for the inner planets the cadence is four values per day.

Other tables contain the locations of spacecraft that are in orbit around certain planets. These locations are generally at a much higher cadence.

The ILS also contains a table of the dates of Key Events in the life of several spacecraft including launch, planetary flybys and insertion into orbit around the target object.

To use the ILS, select the time range of interest and the object (or objects) of interest and then press "Search". The results can be viewed as a Web page or downloaded as a VOTable or text file.

A Free-SQL window is provided to allow the user to experiment with SQL queries.

Created and maintained by UCL–MSSL