Data Provider Access Service

Data Search

     Start Time:   


     Select Instruments: Select by Inst. Type:

     No. of Instruments = 0

     (No. including copies = -1)


1) Select a time range
2) Decide whether to 'Select Instruments' or 'Select by Inst. Type'
 a) If 'Select Instruments', select one or more instruments
 b) If 'Select by Inst. Type', select one of the instrument groups
3) Hit Search
Note: It can take up to a minute or more to return from the search.


DPAS Node:

Lists of Observatories and Data Providers


(0 observatories can be accessed)  
Data Providers:

(0 providers are being sourced)  

Map of Obs./Inst. by Data Provider

This page has been derived dynamically from the selected DPAS Provider Access Table (PAT).

Acknowledgements Table

archive acknowledgement ref_url via
BASS2000 Base de donnees Solaire Sol (located at Observatoire de Paris-Meudon and Lab. Astrophysique de Toulouse-Tarbes) [URL]  
CDAWEB Coordinated Data Analysis Web of NASA's Space Physics Data Facility (located at Goddard Space Flight Center) [URL]  
DARTS JAXA's Data ARchives and Transmission System (located at ISAS) [URL]  
FHNW ???? Fachhochschule Nordwestschweiz ???? [URL]  
HANET Global H-Alpha Network (run by Big Bear Solar Observatory) [URL] VSO
HAO High Altitude Observatory (of the National Center for Atmospheric Research) [URL] VSO
HASTA H-alpha Solar Telescope for Argentina (run by Observatorio Astronomico Felix Aguilar) [URL]  
HIDA T1 (H-alpha full disk) Data Archive, Hida Obs., Kyoto-U. [URL]  
HSDCE Hinode Science Data Centre Europe (located at the Institute of Theoretical Astrophysics, University of Oslo) [URL]  
INAF-OACT INAF's Catania Astrophysical Observatory [URL]  
JSOC Joint Science Operations Center of NASA's Solar Dynamic Obseratory (located at Stanford University) [URL] VSO
KANZ Kanzelhohe Solar Observatory (KSO) Synoptic Archives, U. Graz [URL]  
LSSP ???? Laboratory for Space and Solar Physics, NASA/Goddard ???? [URL]  
MEDOC Multi Experiment Data and Operation Centre (located in the Institut d'Astrophysique Spatiale of the Universite Paris-Sud 11) [URL]  
MSU Montana State University [URL] VSO
MWSPADP ???? Mount Wilson Solar Archive Digitization Project ???? [URL] VSO
NAOJ National Astronomical Observatory of Japan [URL]  
NGDC NOAA's National Centers for Environmental Information (formally NGDC) [URL] VSO
NSO US National Solar Observatory [URL] VSO
NSO-GONG Global Oscilations Network Group (of the US National Solar Observatory) [URL]  
OBSPM Observatory of Paris-Meudon [URL] VSO
OVRO Owens Valley Radio Observatory (of the California Institute of Technology) [URL] VSO
P2SC PROBA2 Science Center (located at the Royal Observatory of Belgium) [URL]  
PDS-GEO Geosciences Node of NASA's Planetary Data System (located in the Department of Earth and Planetary Sciences of Washington University in St. Louis) [URL] UOC
PDS-PPI Planetary Plasma Interactions Node of NASA's Planetary Data System (located in the Institute of Geophysics and Planetary Physics of the University of California, Los Angeles) [URL] UOC
PSA ESA's Planetary Science Archive (located at the European Space Astronomy Centre) [URL] UOC
SAO Smithsonian Astrophysical Observatory [URL] VSO
SDAC NASA's Solar Data Analysis Center (located at Goddard Space Flight Center) [URL] VSO
SFO San Fernando Observatory (of California State University, Northridge) [URL] VSO
SHA Stanford Helioseismology Archive [URL] VSO
SSC NASA's Stereo Science Center (located at Goddard Space Flight Center) [URL]  
UKSSDC UK Solar System Data Centre [URL]  

Data Provider Access Service

The Data Provider Access Service (DPAS) provides integrated access to observations available through a number of observatories, data archives and virtual observatories. To date the DPAS supports access to over 200 instruments from nearly 60 observatories through more than 30 providers.

The DPAS is designed to isolate the user from the foibles of the providers and supports many access protocols, including http, ftp, Web Services, etc. How each dataset should be accessed is specified in the Provider Access Table (PAT) along with other relevant information. In the case of datasets are very complex to access, the DPAS uses the UOC to determine the URL that should be used.

To use the DPAS:
Select a time range and decide whether to 'Select Instruments' or 'Select by Inst. Type'.
    a) If 'Select Instruments' then select one or more instruments;
    b) If 'Select by Inst. Type' then select one of the instrument groups.
Then hit Search.

The results can be viewed as a Web-based table or viewed or downloaded as a VOTable file.

Currently, the following 'Instrument Type' groups are defined:


Created and maintained by UCL–MSSL